Auto Reply - Electronic Siesta


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Create and Send customized Auto Replies to incoming SMS messages & phone callsThe Electronic Siesta Text Auto Reply App will dramatically improve communication in your personal and business life allowing you to be more engaged and present in the real world. Why do we feel we need to respond to incoming texts so quickly? Are we addicted to the phone? Do we have anxiety about leaving the person on the other end without a response? If you are looking to have peace of mind when someone texts or calls when you are away from your phone during business or enjoying time with friends & Family…the Electronic Siesta is for you! Take a break from your phone and Get Back to Life!!
Create Custom Auto Replies – Create custom Auto Replies for incoming SMS messages & Phone calls
Flexible Settings – Easily turn on/off SMS or Phone Auto Reply features. Set incoming SMS or Phone calls to silent, vibrate or both as you require.
Auto Reply Frequency – Choose Frequency of your outgoing Auto Replies from 15 minutes to 24 hours
Convenience – Easily change your Auto Replies and other functions from home screen
Block Calls – Block incoming calls so phone is silent
Hold Incoming Texts – Hold all incoming SMS messages. When active, no SMS notifications will be sent. Once the Hold Incoming Texts feature is turned off, all SMS messages will be delivered.
Read Texts Aloud – Reads texts aloud as they come in. Option to be prompted to read incoming texts as they come in
Calendar – Schedule future Auto replies in an interactive calendar
Filter Contacts – Select individuals from your contact list that should not receive an Auto Reply. Messages will be delivered to you as usual from selected contacts and they will not receive an Auto Reply
Settings - Customize the features that appear on the Home screen. You may not need all features so just tuck them away until you do